
Mandatory Disclosure


College Information Chart


NAAC Certifcate

National Council for Teacher Education(NCTE)

Balance Sheet


Building Safety Certificate Letter

B.Ed. Fee Structure

D.El.Ed. Fee Structure

Students List of 2019-21 (B.Ed.)

Students List of 2020-22 (B.Ed.)

Students List of 2021-23 (B.Ed.)

Students List of 2022-24 (B.Ed.)

Students List of 2023-25 (B.Ed.)

Students List of 2018-19 (D.El.Ed.)

Students List of 2019-21 (D.El.Ed.)

Students List of 2020-22 (D.El.Ed.)

Students List of 2021-23 (D.El.Ed.)

Students List of 2022-24 (D.El.Ed.)

Affidavit Document

List of T.P. School

College Building

Shankara Institute of B.Ed. & D. El. Ed., Kukas, Jaipur is run by the S.K. Chaudhary Educational Trust, to promote quality education in Teachers Training. The Institute is affiliated to the University of Rajasthan . It is approved by the National Council for Teacher Education.

Shankara Institute of B.Ed & D. El. Ed. & T.T. Institute is situated approximate by 6.4 Km from the famous fort of Amber and is approximately 21 Km from Jaipur Bus Stand and Railway Station on Jaipur Delhi highway, NH-8. The college spreads at the foot hills of Aravali range in RIICO Industrial Area, Kukas.


All rights reserved @ Shankara Institute of B. Ed. & D. El. Ed.